About Me

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I'm just a rockabilly gal with a huge passion for makeup, nails, beauty, pin ups, eBay shopping, red, and fluffly stuff. I also love my man and our little family. I'm a Wife, a mother, and beauty school student. I'm pretty busy these days but promise to share my best ideas for nails, hair, and makeup!...

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hello everyone!  I hope you are enjoying your long weekend so far!  First, I want to apologize for my extreme lack of posts these past few weeks.  Second, I would like to thank each of you for sticking around and or beginning to follow me even with my lack of posts.  As you may know I am getting married soon, once the wedding has passed and things have settled down around here... I will have some new posts for you guys and hopefully a blog sale.  I am busy this weekend preparing the house for some house guests arriving later this week and doing last minute wedding stuff.  

Exactly one week from today I am marrying my best friend!  I can't believe the day is almost here... I couldn't imagine my life without him at my side.  I truly can't wait to call Mr. M my husband!


1 comment:

  1. I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!

